AGM Reminder
Lytham Business Partnership AGMWednesday 13 September5.30pm The Assembly RoomsDicconson TerraceFY8 5JY Come along to our AGM & Open Meeting As well as conducting the formal business of Lytham Business Partnership AGM,we are using the gathering for training, support and further info on Lytham’s Loyalty Card and how it can promote your business. We will also provide an update […]
Lytham Festival 2023 Feedback
As you may know, as part of Lytham Festival’s licence application for an increase in numbers, there is a structured initiative to consult with community and business representatives several times a year, the next of which is coming up in early August. Initial reactions include: If you wish to provide your business perspective on the organisation of the […]
Lytham Festival Consultation Forum
FESTIVAL UPDATE As you may know, as part of Lytham Festival’s licence application for an increase in numbers, a local forum has been established. Lytham Business Partnership has a voice at these sessions, the first of which we have been informed is on Thursday 15 June. Event organisers will give an overview of this year’s […]
Open Meeting of Lytham Business Partnership
Wednesday 14 June at 5.30pm Our June meeting of the Lytham Business Partnership will take place at The Assembly Rooms and on the Agenda we have: #LoveLytham Loyalty Card Scheme – numbers and launch plans Council update on first release of Clifton Street improvement plans Lytham Business representation at Lytham Festival Forum Christmas planning Wish to send […]
#LoveLytham Loyalty Card
Building repeat custom and return visits At our February Open Meeting of the Lytham Business Partnership, we introduced the concept of a Loyalty Card scheme for Lytham. The idea was well received, and so we have been working on the details ahead of pitching for funding, and will go into detail at our April Open […]
Order Your Wall Mounted Christmas Tree
Place your order by 18 October Payment required by end of October Lytham Business Partnership, working with Town Centre Trees, is able to offer the following rates based on a 5ft standard tree: £75 per TreePlus first year installation charge of £15 (The brackets, lights and any electrical installations remain the property of Town Centre Trees […]
Annual General Meeting 11 October 2022
Invitation to our AGM The Annual General Meeting of the Lytham Business Partnershipis being held next month. Tuesday 11 October 202210amThe Assembly RoomsDicconson TerraceLytham FY8 5JY Election of Officers 2022-2023 Watch out for the email for NominationsWe look forward to seeing as many of you as possible and welcome nominations for officers.Thank you to those who have already put forward suggestions.Under […]
Lytham In Bloom Judging 19 July 2022
Judging Day Is Upon Us Tuesday 19 July 2022Around 2 – 4pm Lytham Business Partnershiphas been asked to play town crier!! The Britain In Bloom judges will be descending on Lytham this coming Tuesday. We can all play our part (and show our thanks, too, to the marvellous Lytham in Bloom volunteers) by making sure our […]