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Potential and current Members and Associate Members are encouraged to join our Mailing List.
Who can become a member?
Owners, managers or designated representatives of Lytham based businesses are entitled to become Members. These individuals have voting rights on issues and options which come up for discussion.
Additionally, we welcome Associate Members, who may be:
- Individuals whose work or organisation involves promoting visitors & trade to Lytham
- Individuals who wish to promote the aims of the Organisation, and specifically local business development, trade and tourism within Lytham.
Associate Members do not have voting rights. However, their skills, experience and suggestions are greatly welcomed and we recognise that the Partnership is the richer for their contribution.
Membership of the Lytham Business Partnership shall be open and not unreasonably restricted on the grounds of Sex, Religion or Belief, Race, Disability or Sexual Orientation to any person fulfilling the membership criteria. Our aims and objectives aim shall remain consistent with the furthering of equal opportunities, in compliance with the Equality Act 2010 and related legislation.
Click here for access to the Members’ Area (here you will find Meeting Minutes, The Constitution, training opportunities, grant information, surveys and other helpful documents to download).
We welcome attendance from members at any of our Open General Meetings.
How much does Membership cost?
Membership fees are set annually by the Executive. Until December 2021, membership is presently free. It is anticipated that a modest charge for membership will apply for 2022.