Lytham’s Loyalty Card LaunchesWe’re delighted that over 60 Lytham businesses are on board for the start of Lytham’s Loyalty Card.Starter Packs, which include a window sticker, cards, Lytham stamper, info sheet and flyers will be distributed to participating businesses this week.Lytham Business Partnership has been working with other business groups across Fylde with the support of Fylde Council.The individual town Loyalty Cards reward new and loyal customers who shop with independent retailers, hospitality, and service providers.The schemes, which are similar but town focussed, launch this weekend. There will be at least 7 quarterly draws taking us to Summer 2025.
Pictured above, Chairs from Fylde Business Groups – Heidi Hopkinson from Kirkham, Michelle Cuffe from St Annes, and Lytham Business Partnership’s Suzanne Taylor. They have been working together on this scheme since the beginning of the year, securing funding for high street regeneration from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.The large mock up of Lytham’s Loyalty Card is presently circulating, to help businesses promote their participation…Need some extra support / clarification? Or just a catch up on all matters Lytham Business…Come along next Wednesday13 September5.30pmThe Assembly RoomsDicconson Terrace FY8 5JYThe meeting will start with LBP’s AGM, following into an info session on promoting Lytham’s Loyalty Card and answering any queries.# SHOP LOCAL IN FYLDEThe Facebook page Shop Local In Fylde is being managed by PW, Kirkham who won the tender for design, print and social media promotion.PW will be reaching out to Lytham businesses for Meet The Merchant social media posts, running through an A-Z of participants, starting with Apex next week, followed by ASC Mobility and Aspire Hair and Beauty.All worth being on board for!!Terms and Conditions Can Be Read Here |
Lytham’s Loyalty Card Participants